How to stay:

Czech Junior Champion

Czech Champion









The best show results of tibetan mastiff males and females from our breeding and other news


20.4.2008 International Show in Ceske Budejovice IRDLOW: exc.1,CAC,CACIB

FALCO: exc.1, Best veteran TM, BOB!, BIG4

SONJA: exc.3

SAL-LE-BA: exc.4

43 TM entered, judge Mr. O. Vondrous         

23.3.2008 International Show in Prague IRDLOW: exc.1,CAC,CACIB

FALCO: exc.1. Best Veteran TM, BOB, Best Veteran of Show in final competitions

CH Irdlow Strazce z Tibetu

ICH Falco Strazce z Tibetu

SONJA: exc.3

1.3.2008 International Show in Munchen, Germany IRDLOW: exc.1,CAC,CACIB,BOB, BIG 3    

SONJA: exc.1, Best Junior

27.1.2008 International Show in Trencin, Slovakia IRDLOW: exc.1,CAC,CACIB,BOB, BIG 3

                               27 TM entered, judge Ing. A. Kostalova   










Praha /Prague

Champion of Champions








FALCO:                 Champion of Champions 2. group FCI - 1. place

 (he got this title in age 9 years in competition with 15 young champions of other breeds)

18.11.2007 International Show Praha IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, CACIB
17.11.2007 Kortrijk,  Eurodogshow, Belgium RABGYAL SINGHE: exc.1, Best Young Male, Best Young TM     (11 months)

11.11.2007 International Show Stuttgart, Germany IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, CACIB

SONJA: exc.1, Young Club Winner of KTR Club

14.10.2007 National Show Maribor, Slovenia QETIR: exc.1, CAC

Qetir is at the left side         he is 22 month old         

12.10.2007 International Show Dortmund, Germany IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Bundessieger

SONJA: exc.1, Junior Bundessiegerin

30.9.2007 International Show in Wroclaw, Poland ORETTA: exc.1, CWC
30.9.2007 International Show in Tulln, Austria MIMAYIN: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB
9.9.2007 Leipzig, Germany IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

SONJA: very promising 1

9.9.2007 National Show in Brno ONASSIA: exc.2, res. CAC   


2.9.2007 International Show in Mlada Boleslav IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB

SONJA: very prom. 1

ONASSIA: exc. 3

28 TM entered, judge Mrs. J. Ovesna   








Duodanube - two International Shows in  Bratislava, Slovakia








               He finished    Slovak Champion

ONASSIA: V2, res. CAC  

22.7.2007 National Show in Mlada Boleslav QUANTUS: exc.1, CAC - he finished title Czech Junior Champion

IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, National Winner, BOB

27 TM entered, judge Mgr. B. Ovesna

4.7.2007 HD New owners of Quantus and Quo Vadis sisters let us know that the result of HD is:


QUINCY:       0/0

24.6.2007 International Show in Brno ELLISABETH has got Best Veteran TM and BOB

Judge: Ing. Leos Jancik, 21 TM entered

She finished Czech Veteran Champion at this show










Club Show KCHMPP 

(without title Club Winner)









QUANTUS: exc.2, res.CAC

IRDLOW: exc.1,CAC, Best adult male, Best male of Show 

SONJA: very prom.2 

QUO VADIS: exc.2

PO-NYA: exc.1, CAC, Best adult female 

ELLISABETH, exc.1, Best veteran, BOB





Irdlow Po-Nya Ellisabeth

The judge Mr. Vondrous,32 TM entered





International Show in Nitra, Slovakia
















RUS-PA, son of Chua-Jen, visits us, he is 5,5 months old now. 












International Show in Litomerice










QUANTUS: exc.3

FALCO: exc.1, Best Veteran, BOB, BIS Veteran

PO-NYA: exc.1, CAC (Po-Nya has now all titels necessary for Czech Champion)

21 TM entered, judge Mr. Rehanek  












Club Show of KTD











IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, Club Winner 2007

FALCO: exc. 1 in veteran class, BOB,    ELLISABETH: exc.1 in veteran class

55 TM entered, Judge Ing. Leos Jancik



We receive the result of HD:

QUANTUS   and  QUO VADIS  have  A/A its here 0/0 !  

6.5.2007 Club Show in Italy MIMAYIN: BOB, BIS2











International Show in Prague













FALCO: exc.1, Best Veteran, BOB, BIG3!  


32 TM entered, judge Mrs B. Ovesna, CZ

24.4.2007 HD X-Rays for HD of QUANTUS and QUO VADIS, it seemes to be very good , we are waiting for official result.














International Show, Ceske Budejovice
















FALCO: exc.1, Best Veteran TM, BOB, Best Veteran of Veterans, BIG2

SONJA: very promising

JIN: exc.1, CAC, CACIB

28 TM entered, judge Mr. O. Vondrous, CR

15.4.2007 National Show Papa, Hungary MIMAYIN: exc. 1, CAC, BOB, BOG 2































Club Show of KCHMPP Mladá Boleslav, CZ































QUANTUS: exc.2  


FALCO : exc.1, Best Veteran, BOB  (8,5 years)


OTPOURRI: exc.1, CAC, Club Winner    (7 females in open class)

ONASSIA: exc.3

OBEA: exc.4 

JIN: exc.3 (in Winner Class)

ANNABELL: exc.1, Best Veteran  (11,5 years)


The judge MVDr. Vladimír Piskay, Slovakia. 36 TM entered

31.3.2007 Special TM  Show Malacky, Slovakia PO-NYA: exc.1,CAC

Po-Nya has all she needs to stay      SLOVAK CHAMPION

31.3.2007 International Show Luxembourg MIMAYIN: exc.1,CAC,CACIB,BOB

Mimayin stays Champion of Luxembourg

QUINCY: excellent 1, CACL and RCACIB   (female)

17.3.2007 International Show Katowice, Poland IRDLOW: exc.1, CWC, CACIB

the judge was Annuka Paloheimo from Finland, 21 TM entered

3.3.2007 International Show in Zagreb, Croatia MIMAYIN: exc.1,CAC,CACIB,BOB  

He has all he needs for CROATIAN CHAMPION

27.2.2007   The new owner let us know that QUAERE (brother of our Quantus) was the best puppy-male in Finland in 2006.
11.2.2007 International Show in Brno QUANTUS: exc.4 (young class males, 10 males showed)

IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC, CACIB (champ. class males, 4 showed)

FALCO: exc.1, Best Veteran, BOB


ONASSIA: exc. 4 (open class females, 8 showed)

JIN: exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB (champ. class females, 1 showed)

14.1.2007 National Show in Olomouc OBEA: exc.1, CAC, National Winner

17.12.2006 Show of Champions, Hungary MIMAYIN: Champion of Champions, BOB


19.11.2006 International Show Praha  QUANTUS: exc.2  (6 young males entered)

IRDLOW: exc.1, CAC (3 males champions entered) 


























































World Dog Show Poznan, Poland

World Winner 2006

MIMAYIN Strážce z Tibetu

FALCO Strážce z Tibetu - exc. 4 (17 champions entered)


IRDLOW Strážce z Tibetu - exc. 2 (9 males in open class entered)


ORETTA Strážce z Tibetu - exc 1, CWC (10 females in open class entered)


BEST BRACE COUPLE - first place

  male MIMAYIN Strážce z Tibetu +   female Oggie Bohemia Sirague
father: FALCO Strážce z Tibetu father: CHHEN Strážce z Tibetu
mother: CHUA-JEN Strážce z Tibetu mother: Drakyi Poppy Sirague

owner: Eva Márton


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